My Story

I wanted to be an astronaut at 13, wanted to be an architect at 16, wanted to be a pilot at 18, I tried to find my passion during my childhood and my teenage. I was always an artist during the entire time. I still am. I graduated in compunter science and engineering because I loved maths and technology fascinated me.

I started my career as a software engineer when my real passion lied somewhere else. I started searching again. I took a decision to change my career when I finally found my passion in design. It was a shift from .NET, Database, SQL to Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch. THE best decision I ever made in my life!

Now I work at IBM iX Studios, Dubai as a User Experience Designer were I am surrounded by awesome designers and amazing talented people. I value human perspective and always follow user centeric design thinking approach on every project I am in. My role at IBM is 70% finding the problem the users face, 20% design the solution and 10% align everyone in my team and client on each decisions taken. To sum up, I love what I do now.